Friday, November 6, 2020

Her Motherhood Wish - Tara Taylor Quinn (HSE #2758 - Apr 2020)

Series: Parent Portal (Book 3)

He was just supposed to be a sperm donor…

What if the father of her child
is the man she's searched for her whole life?

No Mr. Right? No problem! Attorney Cassie Thompson wants a family of her own -- and she doesn't need a man to get one. But after Cassie discovers that her baby's health is at risk, she reluctantly contacts the sperm donor -- only to find Woodrow Alexander is easily the kindest, most selfless man she's ever met. He's just a biological component, she keeps telling herself. He's not her child's real father or the husband of her dreams…right?

Good book with an unusual theme. Cassie was tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come along. She wants a family of her own, so she goes to a sperm bank. But when an ultrasound reveals a possible health problem with the baby, she contacts the donor to ask for help.

Wood was stunned to hear that somebody had used his sperm. He only donated as a favor to his doctor brother, never expecting to be chosen. When Cassie contacts him about the baby's health risk, he suggests meeting for lunch to discuss it.

I liked the first meeting between Wood and Cassie. It's a little awkward because of the situation, but Wood quickly puts Cassie at ease. Cassie is surprised by Wood's willingness to do whatever is necessary and soon realizes that he is a kind and caring man. Wood jumps in to provide emotional support during that trying time, and it isn't long before he and Cassie form a strong friendship. What neither expected was the intense attraction that grew along with it. I found it interesting that they admitted the attraction but were determined to ignore it for the sake of their friendship.

It was intriguing to see how Cassie and Wood started out intending to have minimal contact, but as her pregnancy progressed, they spent more time together. Cassie slowly moved from the baby being all hers to wanting Wood to be involved. Once he got used to the idea of the baby, he found that he wanted to be more hands-on. There were many sweet moments as they spent time together, from regular dinners to nightly texted conversations. As time went on, each realized that their emotions were getting involved, and neither was comfortable with it. Both Cassie and Wood had personal issues that made them resistant to the possibility of a future together. Wood has some deep-seated insecurities about his lack of education, feeling that people look down on him because of it. Meanwhile, Cassie resisted falling in love because she feared the pain of the relationship ending. Advice from an unexpected source gave Wood the courage to open his heart to Cassie. As he shared his feelings and fears, the depth of emotion was amazing, as was seeing Cassie drop her walls and let him in.

Wood's relationship with Elaina was an odd one. She was his brother's widow first, but also his ex-wife. Their history was interesting and was another demonstration of Wood's caring nature. There were times when I didn't like her very much because she discouraged his involvement with Cassie, but she redeemed herself at the end.

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