Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Year's Kiss - Darcy Devlon (CPC Publishing - July 2020)

Series: Cat's Paw Cove (Book 16)
             Enchanted Kiss (Book 1)

In order to overcome a family curse, Griffin Brooks, the town's hotshot assistant fire chief, must earn his true love's trust. Trina Lancaster knows she can release Griffin's curse, but will her magical family baggage be a deal breaker?

True love rescued by a trip through time. Griffin and Trina have a history. They'd been a couple for a short time, but then Griffin broke it off for no apparent reason. He hasn't moved on to another relationship, and Trina is still in love with him. Even the Cove's cats know that they belong together, but until Griffin wishes for something to change, they can't help him.

I ached for Griffin, who still loves Trina but is convinced that the family curse will only cause him to hurt her. Five years after their breakup, Trina has asked for advice from her mother and has a plan. She's nervous about it because it means she'll have to face her biggest fear, but she'll do anything to win her man.

I liked the guidance that Trina and Griffin received before they left - learn what you can but don't do anything that will change history. Neither realized how hard that would be. Finding out the origin of the family curse gave Griffin the courage to fight it. Trina, too, realized that she tended to psych herself out of actions by overthinking them. I loved the surprise message that Griffin found in an old photo album and the effect it had on him. The ending was sweet and showed that love can conquer all.

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