Friday, April 24, 2020

My Kind of Cowboy - R.C. Ryan (Forever - Apr 2020)

Series: Wranglers of Wyoming (Book 1)

Brand Merrick is a take-charge cowboy who considers relax a four-letter word. So when an injury lands him six weeks of physical therapy, he intends to keep right on working-until his grandmother hires a therapist to stay at their family ranch. He's not used to following orders, or slowing down, but Avery Grant has a way of getting him to do things he'd never thought he'd do . . .

Avery hates to admit it, but this super sexy rancher is testing her patience...and her professionalism. She's a born-and-bred city girl, yet she finds herself drawn to the rugged wilderness and the equally rugged cowboy she's here to help. But when a threat from her past follows Avery to Montana, it's Brand who rides to the rescue-if only she'll put her trust in him, and the growing feelings in her heart.

Terrific start to the new series. It opens with an introduction to the Merrick family and a tragic event that affects them all. A house fire sweeps through the ranch house that Bo, his wife Leigh, and their three sons had just moved into. The oldest son, Brand, succeeded in getting his two little brothers out of the house, then woke his parents. Unfortunately, his mother didn't make it. Bo and his boys moved back into the family home with his father, mother, sister,  and grandfather, making four generations living together.

Fast forward twenty years. The Merrick boys, Brand, Casey, and Jonah, have all grown up. All three work the ranch with the family, though Casey and Jonah also have other professions. Brand recently was injured in a fall and still suffers the aftereffects. As stubborn as the other men in his family, he ended his physical therapy early, unconvinced of its effectiveness, and determined to return to work. His grandmother, Meg, takes matters into her own hands and hires a physical therapist to stay at the ranch for six weeks, overriding Brand's protests that he doesn't have time.

Avery is a city girl from Michigan who took the job in Wyoming with an agenda of her own. She looks forward to the different surroundings, but she also wants to escape from an uncomfortable situation at home. She has a stalker who has left several threats, but the local authorities don't take it seriously.

I loved the first meeting between the Merricks and Avery. Brand was blindsided that morning by his grandmother's announcement and isn't at all happy with the thought of someone interfering with his day. Family patriarch, Ham, is also against it, with the view that pain is something ranchers learn to live with. They are all shocked to discover that, rather than the muscular man they expected, the therapist is a slim, attractive woman. Avery is a bit taken aback by the hostility from her patient and his great-grandfather but is determined to change their minds and heal her patient.

I loved the development of the relationship between Brand and Avery. Brand thinks that it won't be hard to send this city girl running. All he has to do is drag her into ranch life and watch her flounder. Avery is tenacious and sees his challenge and raises the stakes. I loved watching her dig right in and embrace everything thrown at her. It doesn't take long for Brand to be impressed and decide to give her a chance. With the time they spend together, Avery sees past the grumpy Brand to the man who loves his family and his land. It was great to see Brand go from trying to chase Avery away to wishing he could find a way to make her stay.

The attraction that was there from the moment Brand and Avery met continued to build. They tried to resist at first. Brand knew she would leave after six weeks, and Avery wanted to keep things professional. However, the connection was too strong to resist. There were some sweet scenes as Brand showed Avery around the land that he loved. There were some funny times, such as their trip to town, where Avery gets a taste of small-town life. Then there were the times that showed the depth of the feelings that were growing between them. I loved seeing Brand share his memories of the night of the fire with Avery, something he hasn't even done with his family. When Avery shared her trouble with Brand, it roused his protectiveness, further cementing his feelings for her. With Avery's departure drawing closer, both ached to be together, but neither was ready to confess their feelings. The end was emotional as each longed for the other to say something that would keep them together before it was too late. Brand's big moment was great, and I loved how he was oblivious to the people around them.

Part of the book also dealt with the reason Avery left Michigan. She thought she left the threats behind her, only to begin receiving creepy and threatening texts after she arrived in Wyoming. Though Avery tried to ignore them, remembering her treatment by the authorities in Michigan, the threats started to weigh on her. I loved Brand's reaction when she told him, with that cowboy code of protectiveness kicking in. I especially liked his insistence on going to the local police chief. The difference in attitude was night and day, which gave Avery a little bit of peace of mind. An unexpected visitor brought along a twist to the situation. There were some very intense moments as Avery found herself in a life-or-death situation. I loved her determination to survive and her ability to think on her feet. The final confrontation was a nail-biter and kept me glued to pages until it was over.

A big part of the book was the Merrick family's relationships. The love and respect that they had for each other were evident, and I enjoyed getting to know each one. Hammond, the family patriarch, was quite a character. Gruff and obstinate, his opinions were pretty well set in stone. I loved his pride in his family and their land, and how his stories wove a spell around Avery. I also like watching her earn his respect and admiration. Another family member I loved was Aunt Liz. She's a talented photographer, and though she seems cold and aloof at first, that soon changes. There is a fantastic scene between Liz and Avery that changes both their lives. I was also intrigued by Chet, who obviously has a thing for Liz, though she doesn't see it. I hope to see more of them in future books. However, my favorite family members were Casey and Jonah. They are the typical younger brothers who know just what buttons to push when it comes to Brand. They caught on quickly to the attraction building between Brand and Avery and took multiple opportunities to tease and interfere. It was fun to watch the actions and reactions among them. I can't wait to read their stories.

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